As an alternative narrative to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, Mendel University researchers are studying the diet of...
Due to the bark beetle calamity, which has hit the Czech Republic hard during the last 10 years and decimated...
Dendrochronologists took wood samples in Norway for their latest study of climate change. Photo credit: Freepik Brno, Aug. 17, (BD)...
Seven European nations will unite on a project to respond to global changes in modern society. Photo credit: Freepik Brno,...
Cooperation between the two countries will help manage dangerous situations in forests. Photo Credit: Freepik. Czech Republic, Sept. 9 (BD)...
The results of the project will mainly be used by forest owners interested in adapting the species composition of their...
The 100 trees represent each year of the Forest School’s existence and the anniversary of the Jewish National Fund. Photo...
To celebrate the foundation of Mendel University’s Křtiny Masaryk School Forest Enterprise, an exhibition is on display at Moravske Namesti...
Over 15 years, the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies has become an established part of the educational system...
The functional food will be created in cooperation with the company Pro-Bio, one of the largest producers of organic food...
Wild animals living in cities can transmit diseases and parasites to pets and humans, or in extreme situations attack a...
Blooming rhododendrons and colourful azaleas are a symbol of the spring open days at the Křtiny Arboretum. Photo credit: MENDELU....